Clickable Facebook Covers



You can now use calls to action in timeline cover photos. This includes:

  • Sale or purchase information such as ads or coupons
  • Buttons and call-outs: Click here, download, sign up, subscribe, join now, get this free, etc.
  • Facebook “Like” and “Share” icons
  • Company information: Phone numbers and website, email and postal addresses

This is a great way to drive Facebook traffic to your website and promotional offers.

When creating a new cover, keep in mind that Facebook has a rule specifying a maximum of 20% text for timeline cover photos. This includes any text within images.

How to Use

  • Upload a new timeline cover photo
  • Click on “Add a description”
  • In the description pop-up, enter your link url. This can link to a content page or landing page on your website.

Be aware that this is a two-step process. Clicking on the cover photo opens up a pop-up dialog box that contains the link. Viewers then click on this link to get to your web page.

Bonus — When you change your timeline cover a new newsfeed post is generated which is exposed to “many” of your fans.

Tip for LSM Program Members – When you create your blog promotions, consider inserting the promotion in a new timeline cover. This should only take a few minutes. The benefit is that your ad is prominently displayed to every visitor to your Facebook page with a clickable “call to action”. This will increase responses to your promotions and build your mailing list.

Source article written by Donna Moritz is here:


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